Lady Liberty Library, Berlin

Kleiner Brauner
2024, jumpers, yellow dye, white thread, various sizes
Kleiner Brauner Lookbook
2024, publication, 52 pages, 19 x 13.5 cm, double-sided colour
2024, 15 x 3 cm, embroidered patch, steel
*Kleiner Brauner – a Viennese coffee speciality (Translation: ‘a small brown one’)
Text & curation by Nina Prader. Publication release & exhibition opening together with Ultra-Mini-Logo-Bags and Sibling Bags from Studio Hassan. Kleiner Brauner Lookbook made in collaboration with Palais des Beaux Arts Wien
Exhibition ‘Wearables – Kleiner Brauners from Vienna to Berlin. Brishty Alam X Dalia Hassan @ ladylibertylibrary’ at Lady Liberty Library, Berlin, 2024. Photos by Malte Spindler.